this is an irc quote database, in the style of, that aims to catalog moments on
13:54 <+jan6> ALMOST 69
20:07:51 --> | dozens (~dozens@ has joined #blamejan6 20:07:58 dozens | i just spilled coffee on my chair 20:08:01 dozens | i blame jan6 20:08:05 <-- | dozens (~dozens@ has left #blamejan6 (WeeChat 2.2)
09:48:33 ~ben │ how do you even fail a music class 09:48:35 ~ben │ that's fucked
13:44 <+jan6> put it in #share 13:44 <+jan6> c'mon, nobody ever uses #share, blow some life into it! 13:47 * cdmnky blows into it
[threkk] 17:55 ∟ I am afraid to ask how is the vim vs emacs balance here [ben] 17:55 ∟ pretty solid balance i think [desvox] 17:56 ∟ i use emacs like vim but it also fries my breakfast, controls the city traffic lights, and makes sure i dont die in my sleep [threkk] 17:57 ∟ does it also edit text? [ben] 17:57 ∟ i sure hope so :P [desvox] 17:57 ∟ threkk: lots of text [desvox] 17:58 ∟ all the text, it is the all seeing eye of the universe [desvox] 17:58 ∟ alternatively it is a kitchen sink full of dead cats [ben] 17:59 ∟ omf
14:18:29 +jan6 | who needs to smoke to get high? don't you have a brain full of complex chemicals? 14:18:54 kumquat | weed is easier than mind control 14:19:15 +aewens | Who needs drugs when you can just breathe in deeply next to a chocolate cake to remind you why life is worth living? 14:19:32 * | jan6 steals said cake 14:19:43 * | aewens tells jan6 that the cake is a lie.
<cdmnky> meanwhile r/linuxmasterrace is still on "btw I use arch" like it has been for the past few months <ubergeek> Yeah, I can get behind that sub. Btw, did I tell you, I use Arch?
13:40 <tomasino> Climb with your butt, lower with your quads
12:24 <+jan6> just don't use anything addictive for a long time, nor for much at a time, and you'll be fine 12:24 <desvox> ^ 12:24 <desvox> or you could fly off the deepend and become desvox 12:25 <desvox> my entire family knows about my psychotic alcoholism at this point 12:25 <~ben> oops 12:25 <~ben> iambecomedesvox 12:26 <~ben> destroyer of all wodka
21:12 <mushmouth> you won't know what's real or fake 21:12 <+jan6> it's a theatre ALREADY 21:15 <+aewens> I mean, most of your life is theater. We all try to collect pieces of paper with no inherit value because other people pretend it has value, and we go through our lives thinking that getting these papers are important while everything else alive is constantly cycling through the food chain as we pretend we are not a part of it. 21:17 <+aewens> You drive down a slab of stone inside a metal/glass beast at ungodly speeds and the only thing that keeps order is some paint on the ground and lights that change color. 21:20 <+aewens> You spend your youth learning topics you'll objectively use almost none of in your daily life because others told you that it's needed to get a job, and only once your brain has stopped learning things at the amazing rate that children can do is when they ask you to specialize your knowledge moments before you enter the work force to earn those pieces of paper. 21:23 <+aewens> You are asked to spend ungodly amounts of money on this specialized knowledge training that is in many instances dated or more theory than application and is all summarized for employers in the form of another piece of paper, and you work to pay off that fancy sheet of paper from your job that pays you in pieces of paper. 21:26 <+aewens> But the pieces of paper are going away slowly and becoming even more valueless, it's now mostly a number on some computers. So people then dedicate their lives to making a number on a computer go up so they can exchange the compute numbers for food, goods, and services but you usually only have enough for just enough of those things to survive. 21:29 <+aewens> If we were to all were to suddenly no longer give value to the computer numbers, the pieces of paper, the paint on the ground, and the changing color lights we are now back into the system of the rest of the world around us that needs to hunt/gather for food and find/create shelter to survive. 21:29 <+aewens> </rant> 21:30 <+aewens> So anyways, how has everyone been enjoying the weekend so far?
13:18 <zyeri> did someone mention arch? 'cause I also use arch, btw 13:18 <zyeri> also btw I use arch 13:18 <ubergeek> Oh, you use arch? I use arch as well! 13:18 <zyeri> excellent! Another arch user who uses arch, like myself!
23:46 <~ben> 23:45 <-- brendantcc_lounge ( has quit (RecvQ exceeded) 23:46 <brendantcc_lounge> FUCK 23:46 <slipyx> when u spam so much even the irc protocl isnt amused
23:56 <desvox> if i was sober i could afford things 23:56 <desvox> not worth it 23:56 <+jan6> if you were sober you could afford more booze :3 23:57 <desvox> saving up for the best relapse of my life 23:59 <kumquat> brilliant jan6 23:59 <~ben> lol qotd
14:09 <~ben> i love my x1 carbon 14:10 <mushmouth> nice ben 14:10 <mushmouth> do you have a t420?
22:51 <slipyx> ;eval True 22:51 <dustbot> > True 22:51 <slipyx> began writing this when i thought evaluating python and erotic novel quotes were all a bot was need for 22:52 <slipyx> wasnt expecting to evolve it