top quotes of all time

17:20 <cat> as a cat i am very interested in yarn package
17:21 * jan6 pats the cat
17:23 <jchelpau> are you really a cat
17:23 <~ben> cat is either a feline housepet or a linux command for concatenating files
17:23 <~ben> still haven't really figured that one out
17:24 <handyc> why not both
17:24 <~tomasino> that's right ben, cat is a perfect combination of two elemental opposing forces
17:25 <handyc> cat cat.txt | grep cat
17:25 <~tomasino> cats, the avatar of death and destruction, and cat, the quintessential tool for joining all things (since in UNIX, all things are files)
17:25 <~tomasino> destruction and creation
17:25 <~tomasino> cat, at his core

128: score: 20605 /

welp, this is empty.

1: score: 10801 /

02:24 <npa> downvote this

138: score: 1663 /

_what │ hey bro nice dinkus

290: score: 824 /

12:30:22 <forero> what is God is just a random teenager playing the sims and we are the sims
12:30:50 <forero> s/is/if
12:30:50 <tildebot> [Sed] <forero> what if God is just a random teenager playing the sims and we are the sims
12:31:07 <g1n> forero: please resend it one more time
12:31:14 <g1n> but with fixes
12:31:22 <g1n> i want to grab that lol
12:31:22 <forero> what if God is just a random teenager playing the sims and we are the sims
12:31:29 <g1n> ,grab forero 
12:31:29 <tildebot> [Quotes] Quote added

289: score: 616 /

<liesinties> It's gonna be forever hot except for about a week in january here.
<kernel_pancake> global fookin heating
<kernel_pancake> when are we all predicated to die again?
<liesinties> Tuesday.
<kernel_pancake> Nice
<kumquat> fingers crossed

225: score: 245 /

12:31 --> pizza [pizza] (Unknown) ( has joined #club
12:32 <pizza> so how could i make a tilde server?
12:33 <tomasino> step 1...
12:33 <tomasino> cut a hole in a box
12:35 <pizza> ah yes what is the next step?
12:40 <tomasino> you're gonna wanna put yo junk IN that box
12:40  * tomasino sings it
12:40 <tomasino> and that's basically how you tilde
12:41 <tomasino> except the box is a vm somewhere, or a raspberry pi, and the junk is a bunch of shell utils, web server with userdirs, and you cut a hole in it by giving out ssh access
12:41 <tomasino> Thanks for coming to my TED talk
12:41  * bradley claps

170: score: 227 /

21:12 <mushmouth> you won't know what's real or fake
21:12 <+jan6> it's a theatre ALREADY
21:15 <+aewens> I mean, most of your life is theater. We all try to collect pieces of paper with no inherit value because other people pretend it has value, and we go through our lives thinking that getting these papers are important while everything else alive is constantly cycling through the food chain as we pretend we are not a part of it.
21:17 <+aewens> You drive down a slab of stone inside a metal/glass beast at ungodly speeds and the only thing that keeps order is some paint on the ground and lights that change color.
21:20 <+aewens> You spend your youth learning topics you'll objectively use almost none of in your daily life because others told you that it's needed to get a job, and only once your brain has stopped learning things at the amazing rate that children can do is when they ask you to specialize your knowledge moments before you enter the work force to earn those pieces of paper.
21:23 <+aewens> You are asked to spend ungodly amounts of money on this specialized knowledge training that is in many instances dated or more theory than application and is all summarized for employers in the form of another piece of paper, and you work to pay off that fancy sheet of paper from your job that pays you in pieces of paper.
21:26 <+aewens> But the pieces of paper are going away slowly and becoming even more valueless, it's now mostly a number on some computers. So people then dedicate their lives to making a number on a computer go up so they can exchange the compute numbers for food, goods, and services but you usually only have enough for just enough of those things to survive.
21:29 <+aewens> If we were to all were to suddenly no longer give value to the computer numbers, the pieces of paper, the paint on the ground, and the changing color lights we are now back into the system of the rest of the world around us that needs to hunt/gather for food and find/create shelter to survive.
21:29 <+aewens> </rant>
21:30 <+aewens> So anyways, how has everyone been enjoying the weekend so far?

59: score: 189 /

novaburst: heck yeah I built that toolchain
ben: toolchain?
jan6: novaburst built akron dealership toolchain?
jan6: lol
novaburst: ben: I was building the OCaml toolchain
ben: oo
novaburst: jan6: lmao
acdw: wut

280: score: 163 /

13:54 <+jan6> ALMOST 69

69: score: 145 /

[20:54:05] <june> bepsi
[20:55:10] <nue> god i love pepsi cock
[20:55:12] <nue> *coke
[20:55:39] <june> uh huh what a typo

212: score: 135 /

20:29 < tildebot> shokara: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
20:29  * shokara screams too
20:30 < acdw> tis
20:34 < tildebot> novaburst: COMIC SANS BUT MONOSPACE!!111 HAIL JAN6
20:34 < shokara> all hail jan6
20:35 < novaburst> all hail jan6
20:35 < acdw> no
20:35 < jan6> all hail jan6

286: score: 129 /

<&login> but you must cut off your genitals and give them to me

248: score: 119 /

<robdrake> jan6 do you just like to argue?
<Kneezle>  yes, he does
<Kneezle>  he's also frequently right
<Kneezle>  but he has infinitely more patience to argue than i do.
<jan6>     ^_^

122: score: 114 /

01:22 <login> ,wa 126*333+111
01:22 <BitBot> [Wolfram|Alpha] 126×333 + 111: 42069
01:22 <login> really, brendo?
01:22 <brendo> gbmor sent that one not me
01:22 <~gbmor> (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

209: score: 105 /