top quotes of all time

20:44 < jmw2020> ,qadd khuxkm=I kissed my friend xfnw
20:44 < tildebot> [Quotes] Quote added
20:44 < jmw2020> khuxkm lmao
20:44 < jmw2020> your secrets are LEAKEDDD
20:44 < jmw2020> everyone knows ur secret now
20:45 < jmw2020> ,q khuxkm 
20:45 < tildebot> [Quotes] khuxkm|lounge: <khuxkm> no u
20:45 < jmw2020> ...
20:45 < jmw2020> tildebot not the right time

237: score: 33 /

21:49:07 @ben    | fuck me
21:49:09 @khuxkm | yes ben   

40: score: 33 /

19:39  * lickthecheese nosebleeds on jan6
19:39 < demure> kinky
19:39  * jan6 drinks the blood and grows stronger
19:39  * lickthecheese confirms jan6 is vampire
19:39 < jan6> you forgot that there were vampires in my lineage

208: score: 32 /

12:50 <tunas> Self-driving cars are cool until you realise they stop for pedestrians and they can walk towards you, making your car reverse, so they walk you and your car back home.
12:51 <tunas> The prospect of a smug fifth-grade student just walking menacingly towards me and my car retreating in fear is... terrifying.

124: score: 32 /

In #tea:

alex11> i bet #coffee is full of miserable bastards
alex11> they are genetically inferior
spider> \coffee alex11
* barista hands alex11 a tall boiling hot white chocolate macchiato with 2 shots of e‌spresso!
spider> :P
* kiedtl has kicked spider from #tea (uh no no no no, we don't do that here)

254: score: 31 /

19:13:26 <~lickthecheese> ,hug
19:13:26 <~BitBot> [Ducks] lickthecheese befriended a duck in 26578.67 seconds! You've befriended 25 ducks in #chaos!
19:13:31 <~lickthecheese> noice

191: score: 31 /

02:46:07 Naglfar | theres too many ben...
02:46:13     <-- | ben|team ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:46:16     <-- | ben|carbon ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:46:21     <-- | ben|pi ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:46:27     <-- | ben|your (ben@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:46:33     <-- | ben|inst ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.2)
02:46:37     <-- | ben|thunix ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:46:46     <-- | ben|town (benharri@ has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:47:15     <-- | ben|home ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:47:27     <-- | ben|bsd ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:46:53    ~ben | lol yes
02:47:00 Naglfar | awesome
02:47:13    ~ben | no reason lol

119: score: 31 /

23:56 < zer0> no worries, gen zs are killing email
23:56 <@kumquat> thank goodness
23:56 < zer0> gradually, but surely
23:56 <@kumquat> i knew those kids were all right
23:57 <@june> is there anything gen z isn't killing
23:57 <@june> IS THERE ANYTHING
23:57 < terris> boomers :(

296: score: 30 /

<~ben> PSA hostserv has been disabled
<lauren> why?
<anton> I forgot what hostserv was for a moment
<~ben> 1) it's a pain to maintain 2) people keep requesting dumb hostnames
<lauren> heh, fair
<xfnw> aw
<kumquat> lol
<anton> what's the dumbest hostname you've seen so far
<~ben> i don't remember
<julian> art.local?
<xfnw> was it richard.stallmans.toe.cheese?
<aravk> wtf
<anton> gross
<anton> aravk: you should replace nyku's ignore with an xfnw ignore :p
<xfnw> lol antons ignore evading?
<aravk> xfnw doesn't troll though, they shitpost
<aravk> I don't mind that
<aravk> everyone shitposts
<aravk> I mind trolls

257: score: 30 /

2020-11-15 00:11:03  <anelki> when we started to gather this morning and the magafucks were showing up, this kid looked at me and the person next to me an asked why we were dressed like cops. parent: "they're not dressed like cops, they're dressed like antifa." person next to me: "...supersoldiers!"

245: score: 30 /

15:25 <epicmorphism> nice gopherhole
15:26 <~aewens> "nice gopherhole" is one of those things that is fine to say in the tech world and only in the tech world
15:26 <~tomasino> hehe
15:26 <~tomasino> i was just thinking the same thing
15:26 <threv> that's my pickup line
15:26 <cdmnky> well, furries say that all the time lol
15:26 <threv> that is no longer my pickup line

143: score: 30 /

23:19:10 tomasino | i'm back home
23:19:12 tomasino | pants are gone
23:19:18 tomasino | ready for some me time
23:19:23 tomasino | i'm thinking shadow tactics 

117: score: 30 /

<acdw> head down, tail up, that is how i like to ducc

234: score: 29 /

20:47 < kylie> ・゜゜・。。・゜゜\_o< KYLIE!
20:47 < anton> ,consume
20:47 < alex11> ,kidnap
20:47 < anton> ,yeet
20:47  * biglysmalls points at alex11 accusingly

218: score: 29 /

13:22 <kirch> the great thing about having kids is that I tell my parents what lego sets "my kids" want for their birthday, then I get to build them :3

160: score: 29 /