top quotes of all time

15:41 <+aewens> Which I am currently trying to understand how the cloning software works since a customer is trying to use it to fit a square block into a round hole.
15:41 <tildebeast> if you put the customer on a lathe they'll fit after careful adjustment

85: score: 39 /

<~ben> PSA hostserv has been disabled
<lauren> why?
<anton> I forgot what hostserv was for a moment
<~ben> 1) it's a pain to maintain 2) people keep requesting dumb hostnames
<lauren> heh, fair
<xfnw> aw
<kumquat> lol
<anton> what's the dumbest hostname you've seen so far
<~ben> i don't remember
<julian> art.local?
<xfnw> was it richard.stallmans.toe.cheese?
<aravk> wtf
<anton> gross
<anton> aravk: you should replace nyku's ignore with an xfnw ignore :p
<xfnw> lol antons ignore evading?
<aravk> xfnw doesn't troll though, they shitpost
<aravk> I don't mind that
<aravk> everyone shitposts
<aravk> I mind trolls

257: score: 38 /

17:43 <Kneezle|shouldbeworking> I'm starting a band called HTML Encoder
17:43 <Kneezle|shouldbeworking> Looking to buy a guitar &amp;
17:43 <Kneezle|shouldbeworking> :-D
17:44 <~ben> guitar and what? ;)
17:44 <Kneezle|shouldbeworking> lol
17:44 <Kneezle|shouldbeworking> best reply ever

114: score: 38 /

14:18:29   +jan6 | who needs to smoke to get high? don't you have a brain full of complex chemicals?
14:18:54 kumquat | weed is easier than mind control
14:19:15 +aewens | Who needs drugs when you can just breathe in deeply next to a chocolate cake to remind you why life is worth living?
14:19:32       * | jan6 steals said cake
14:19:43       * | aewens tells jan6 that the cake is a lie.

63: score: 38 /

12:37 <+aewens> Is it illegal to run a business virtually killing people to avoid lawsuits from overseas governments by breaking and entering into stranger's homes to use their computers to access a botnet to discretely communicate with your customers?
12:37 <+aewens> Maybe
12:38 <~ben> i'd go with a definite yes?
12:38 <+aewens> I think law officials would agree with you. In every country. Ever.
12:39 <%ubergeek> I think just the last part is a problem.

101: score: 37 /

14:22 <lickthecheese> killall -u root -9
14:22 <lickthecheese> thats how i exit vim

176: score: 36 /

<tomasino> yay gopher!
<ahriman> yay
<tomasino> yay australia!
<ahriman> koalas n shit!
 * cat cracks a tinnie

131: score: 36 /

10:33:36 <darcy> Right now I'm the smol tiddy goth gf
10:33:42 <darcy> I wanna be the big tiddy goth gf

269: score: 35 /

<Tomasino> ,hug
<BitBot> [Ducks] tomasino befriended a duck in 37279.42 seconds! You've befriended 14 ducks in #meta!
<~ahriman> holy shit tomasino

165: score: 35 /

02:46:07 Naglfar | theres too many ben...
02:46:13     <-- | ben|team ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:46:16     <-- | ben|carbon ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:46:21     <-- | ben|pi ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:46:27     <-- | ben|your (ben@localhost) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:46:33     <-- | ben|inst ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.2)
02:46:37     <-- | ben|thunix ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:46:46     <-- | ben|town (benharri@ has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:47:15     <-- | ben|home ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:47:27     <-- | ben|bsd ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
02:46:53    ~ben | lol yes
02:47:00 Naglfar | awesome
02:47:13    ~ben | no reason lol

119: score: 35 /

14:42 <tildebridge> <~FreeAppSW> hmmmm
14:42 <tildebridge> <~FreeAppSW> what about a brand new chat service based on irc?
14:42 <+aewens> That's called slack
14:42 <tildebridge> <~FreeAppSW> no
14:42 <tildebridge> <~FreeAppSW> or wait

31: score: 34 /

16:49 <@ben> iirc it's an eggdrop
16:50 <mushmouth> it is eggdrop but i'm not sure which script he has for it
16:50 <aewens> Now I want eggdrop soup.
16:51 <mushmouth> i want aewens soup
16:51 <aewens> I don't think you do.
16:51 <@virtual> mushmouth '^'
16:51 <@ben> omf what
16:51 <@ben> owo
16:52 * sebboh swoops in and drops a ' in the statement
16:52 <@ben> '''''
16:53 * aewens takes a long step backwards away from mushmouth.
16:53 <mushmouth> :P
16:53 <mushmouth> ~~~~~~~~~~~
16:53 <aewens> It's not me, it's you :P
16:53 <sebboh> aewens' soup. See? Perfectly normal, if a bit thievy.
16:53 <@ben> "a bit thievy"

24: score: 34 /

13:22 <kirch> the great thing about having kids is that I tell my parents what lego sets "my kids" want for their birthday, then I get to build them :3

160: score: 33 /

03:01:48 edwardthefma | too me a fee
03:03:46            * | edwardthefma dornt lik this in sell irc
03:05:00       slipyx | can you say that again in english please
03:05:41          <-- | edwardthefma ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)

77: score: 33 /

<khuxkm> can you guys stop talking, I'm trying to copy the news link >:(

228: score: 32 /