top quotes of all time

<&login> the smart don't have it any better than the unsmart

246: score: 20 /

<thefunkyspaw> shreyas: The world makes a lot more sense when you realize most people want to slack off

244: score: 20 /

15:14:53 < jan6> bake me, login

202: score: 20 /

18:46 <june> W3C is the old man screams at cloud of the web

195: score: 20 /

18:56 < tildebot> [Ducks] shreyas befriended a duck in 3.5 seconds! You've befriended 1 duck in #meta!
18:56 < tildebot> [Ducks] kumquat: There was no duck! missed by 0.76 seconds
18:56 < kumquat> oh first duck, nice
18:56 < shreyas> captured the first two, actually
18:57 < shreyas> being a bit non-violent now
18:57 < kumquat> ahhh
19:01 < alex11> duck virginity broken
19:01 < alex11> ...ew
19:01 < shreyas> uh
19:01 < kumquat> um
19:01 < shreyas> that's one way to put it :D
19:01 < kumquat> please don't violate the #meta ducks
19:01 < kumquat> or any tilde chat ducks
19:01 < kumquat> or any ducks in general
19:02 < shreyas> or any creatures in general
19:02 < kumquat> yes
19:02 < alex11> or any generals
19:02 < shreyas> definitely not any generals

217: score: 19 /

12:50 <tunas> Self-driving cars are cool until you realise they stop for pedestrians and they can walk towards you, making your car reverse, so they walk you and your car back home.
12:51 <tunas> The prospect of a smug fifth-grade student just walking menacingly towards me and my car retreating in fear is... terrifying.

124: score: 19 /

22:50 <ben> can i spotify even if i don't have an acconut?
22:50 <ben> a coconut
22:50 <ben> an account

53: score: 19 /

15:24 <+jan6> hmm, I'hm back, I guess
15:24 <+aewens> Are you sure?
15:36 <ben|weechat> hi back, i'm dad
15:42 * aewens face palms while snickering.
15:42 <~ben> heh
16:20 <@khuxkm|lounge> ben: the dad of the tildeverse

44: score: 19 /

<acdw> head down, tail up, that is how i like to ducc

234: score: 18 /

04:32 < kylie> ・゜゜・。。・゜゜\_o< KYLIE!
04:32 < alex11> ,kidnap
04:33 < kylie> no!
04:33 <~khuxkm> ,kidnap
04:33 < kylie> no!!!!
04:33 < kylie> be nice to me!!!!!
04:33 <~khuxkm> ,chloroform
04:33 < isvarahparamahkrsnah> ,white van
04:33 < isvarahparamahkrsnah> lmao
04:33 < kylie> don't like this
04:33 < kylie> that got creepy fast

219: score: 18 /

<amcclure> rip band
<june> what's the band called?
<gbmor> everybody run
<june> from what
* amcclure runs
<june> FROM WHAT

178: score: 18 /

06:14 <-- snowcrash8 ( has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
06:14 <-- sebweb ( has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
06:14 <-- kilic ( has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
06:14 <-- khuxkm|lounge ( has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
06:14 <-- slipxy ( has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
06:14 <-- jakew ( has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:17 <hyperboredoubt> What happened?
06:17 <neniu> i blame... ben. let jan6 sleep this time

06:18 --> baco9 ( has joined #meta
06:18 --> dougtoo ( has joined #meta
06:18 --> freeappsw ( has joined #meta
06:18 --> sebweb ( has joined #meta

06:18 <neniu> blaming ben leads to instant results

155: score: 18 /

<~xfnw> spider bot spider bot, does whatever a spider can
<~cano> spider dick

266: score: 17 /

20:49 <~ben> beer time
20:52 <@cmccabe> s/beer/bed/
20:52 <sedbot> <cmccabe> bedscream float?
20:52 <@cmccabe> or not

205: score: 16 /

[BitBot │ [Markov] windows was that ubuntu version named after that mentally handicapped bulldog university mascott

173: score: 16 /