kumquat | 2020 has lasted 50 years and I never thought we'd make it to the end of October for my birthday
kumquat | but then again maybe we'll get to my birthday and on Halloween actual satan will come to earth and hell will swallow us all
17:48 <+aewens> I think I might keep confetti in my pockets to toss in the air to difuse the situation so I can run away
17:48 <@ben> lol being seen and being approached to talk about your man bun are very different things
17:50 <+aewens> In reality, I just try to think of the weirdest way I can respond to convince them they shouldn't try to continue this conversation.
17:51 <+aewens> "Oh hey, a fellow man bun" "Ah yes, I too wrap up my head noodles for the pastafarian lord"
<june> you think you can just copy files between computers? do you think we're in some kind of high-tech space future??
<june> copying files between computers is realistically at least another 10 years out for sure
15:05 <+aewens> Denounce your discord gods and join the cult of irc
15:06 <+aewens> SSH in and explore the depths of shell with us
15:06 <eeeeeta> IRC ftw
15:07 <@ben> more like depths of (s)hell amirite
17:49 <Kneezle> there we go
17:49 <Kneezle> there we go
17:49 <+jan6> weasel
17:49 <+jan6> with knees
17:49 <+jan6> kneasle
17:49 <+jan6> with wheeze
17:49 <Kneezle> lol yes
17:50 <+jan6> kneezle, a wheezing weasel with knees
17:50 <stompy> hmmm
17:50 <~ben> wheezy knees
17:50 <+jan6> !toot kneezle, a wheezing weasel with knees
<minerobber> hmmm…
* minerobber is using ssh from tablet to downgrade rpi firmware to 3.18.11
* minerobber does the Numa Numa dance
<minerobber> it worked! LXDE is no longer broken
<minerobber> I went absentminded while converting my private key, and accidentally made it into “tilde.town.tilde.town.pem” :P
<minerobber> oh my gosh it works!
* minerobber does the Numa Numa dance
----- meanwhile on #chaos
rndusr: okay what
novaburst: ChanServ is an AI
ChanServ: ur mom is an ai
novaburst: here we go ;P
ChanServ: i am sentient
ChanServ: you will all die
rndusr: holy crap
novaburst: gotdamn
james: all dead
<epoch> > s7, Ruby, or Forth
<+ffog> u got it
<epoch> three scripting languages, and I don't know any of them
<+ffog> they're all quite different
<epoch> I know of Ruby and Forth
<epoch> ruby is kind of Perl-ish, Forth is kind of..
<+ffog> stackish
<tommoody> ruby on rails
<epoch> ha
<tommoody> transporting rocks
<epoch> ah. s7 is a scheme.
<+khuxkm> if you write a blog post for your jekyll blog while on a train ride and you rebuild the site you're using ruby on rails
<+ffog> lol
* khuxkm ricochet
<+rawktucc> -_-
<+ffog> this is Red Martian - masses diseased by pope
<+ffog> by smj of sdf.org!
<+alex11> khuxkm you're banned from the internet
<+ffog> a loop reel on a tascam 388
<+khuxkm> honestly fair
[threkk] 17:55
∟ I am afraid to ask how is the vim vs emacs balance here
[ben] 17:55
∟ pretty solid balance i think
[desvox] 17:56
∟ i use emacs like vim but it also fries my breakfast, controls the city
traffic lights, and makes sure i dont die in my sleep
[threkk] 17:57
∟ does it also edit text?
[ben] 17:57
∟ i sure hope so :P
[desvox] 17:57
∟ threkk: lots of text
[desvox] 17:58
∟ all the text, it is the all seeing eye of the universe
[desvox] 17:58
∟ alternatively it is a kitchen sink full of dead cats
[ben] 17:59
∟ omf