20:56 -!- Topic for #journal: The Intentional Journal of the Tildeverse - https://journal.tildeverse.org
20:56 -!- Topic set by khuxkm [] [Tue Jul 10 00:11:12 2018]
20:56 <@khuxkm> The Intentional Journal of the Tildeverse - https://journal.tildeverse.org | RMS is reviewing cmccabe's paper! w00t!
20:56 <@khuxkm> fuck
20:56 -!- khuxkm changed the topic of #journal to: The Intentional Journal of the Tildeverse - https://journal.tildeverse.org | RMS is reviewing cmccabe's paper! w00t!
20:57 <+ben> We're on the map
17:48 <+aewens> I think I might keep confetti in my pockets to toss in the air to difuse the situation so I can run away
17:48 <@ben> lol being seen and being approached to talk about your man bun are very different things
17:50 <+aewens> In reality, I just try to think of the weirdest way I can respond to convince them they shouldn't try to continue this conversation.
17:51 <+aewens> "Oh hey, a fellow man bun" "Ah yes, I too wrap up my head noodles for the pastafarian lord"
kumquat | 2020 has lasted 50 years and I never thought we'd make it to the end of October for my birthday
kumquat | but then again maybe we'll get to my birthday and on Halloween actual satan will come to earth and hell will swallow us all