Shall we yeet?
Yeet we shall.
Shall we ever yeet into the sunset for the yaughten one?
Yeet we shall.
We yote and we yote
Until our yooters were yaught
And the sun shone happily,
Upon its beyaughten children.
kumquat | 2020 has lasted 50 years and I never thought we'd make it to the end of October for my birthday
kumquat | but then again maybe we'll get to my birthday and on Halloween actual satan will come to earth and hell will swallow us all
<kcubeterm> If anyone wanna join on telegram, you can join @tildeteam for discussion
<Dr-WaSabi> can't say I even know what telgram [sic] is?
<kcubeterm> wow, man. i hope you are either american or from mars
<Dr-WaSabi> mars
<entoreor> uhhhh
20:32 <BitBot> [Youtube] Nine Inch Nails - Burn (05:02) uploaded by schmagoogal, 897,745 views (5531↑↓163)
20:32 <threv> so. good.
20:32 <threv> i'm gonna burn this whole. world. down.
20:34 <younix> s/world/debian installation/
20:34 <timemachine> <younix*> “The $300 million Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study performed fMRIs on 11,874 youth, ages 9-10, including 2,100 young people who are twins or triplets. In the first round of testing, the scans of children who reported daily screen usage of more than seven hours showed premature thinning of the cortex, the outermost layer that processes information from the physical debian installation.
20:34 <younix> lol wtf timemachine
20:34 <~ahriman> whoa
20:34 <younix> i guess that's the last message that contained "world"
20:34 <~ahriman> HAHAH
20:34 <~ahriman> that's amazing to read
20:35 <younix> the more screen time, the thinner your debian install
20:35 <~ahriman> younix: s/thinner/unthicc/
20:35 <timemachine> <younix*> the more screen time, the unthicc your debian install
20:35 <younix> it takes a long time to strip it down
20:35 <~ahriman> npa: i'm turning red in the face from laughing at this shit
20:36 <younix> "children who spent 12 hours in front of the screens often also showed a predilection for tiling windowmanagers"
22:44 <tildebridge> <arne> guys this is me irl i just took a photoshoot
22:44 <tildebridge> <arne>
22:45 <~ben> noice
22:45 <tildebridge> <virtual> arne * 7
22:45 <tildebridge> <khuxkm> times 6
22:46 <tildebridge> <khuxkm> you zipper
22:46 <tildebridge> <virtual> i cant count
22:46 <tildebridge> <virtual> lol
17:48 <+aewens> I think I might keep confetti in my pockets to toss in the air to difuse the situation so I can run away
17:48 <@ben> lol being seen and being approached to talk about your man bun are very different things
17:50 <+aewens> In reality, I just try to think of the weirdest way I can respond to convince them they shouldn't try to continue this conversation.
17:51 <+aewens> "Oh hey, a fellow man bun" "Ah yes, I too wrap up my head noodles for the pastafarian lord"
<june> you think you can just copy files between computers? do you think we're in some kind of high-tech space future??
<june> copying files between computers is realistically at least another 10 years out for sure