18:56 < tildebot> [Ducks] shreyas befriended a duck in 3.5 seconds! You've befriended 1 duck in #meta!
18:56 < tildebot> [Ducks] kumquat: There was no duck! missed by 0.76 seconds
18:56 < kumquat> oh first duck, nice
18:56 < shreyas> captured the first two, actually
18:57 < shreyas> being a bit non-violent now
18:57 < kumquat> ahhh
19:01 < alex11> duck virginity broken
19:01 < alex11> ...ew
19:01 < shreyas> uh
19:01 < kumquat> um
19:01 < shreyas> that's one way to put it :D
19:01 < kumquat> please don't violate the #meta ducks
19:01 < kumquat> or any tilde chat ducks
19:01 < kumquat> or any ducks in general
19:02 < shreyas> or any creatures in general
19:02 < kumquat> yes
19:02 < alex11> or any generals
19:02 < shreyas> definitely not any generals
<southerntofu> well you know we're litterally millions of people making the world a little bit better every day instead of just consuming life
<southerntofu> the only problem is intelligence services know us better than we do ourselves :D
<TechEmporium> lol
<TechEmporium> I wouldn't call them intelligence or a service. It'd be more of a service if they were more intelligent about how to serve their own people
[17:18:56] <woestijnvis> God is dead.
[17:19:12] <woestijnvis> Oh my admin is more fitting.
[17:19:19] <no1> we create god collectively
[17:19:19] <woestijnvis> Oh my bofh?
[17:19:46] <woestijnvis> no1: Yes, let's stop with that
22:47 <~tomasino> when you eat a gingerbread man, do you start with a specific body part?
22:48 <~ahriman> i eat the legs of the gingerbread man first. if the gingerbread man can't walk away, it can't escape
22:48 <~tomasino> i usually start with the head
22:48 <~tomasino> mantis style
22:48 <~ahriman> you just kill it right off the bat
22:48 <~ben> probably feet
22:49 <~ahriman> i prefer for the gingerbread man to suffer and know its fate
22:49 <benharri> yoinks
22:49 <-- benharri (benharri@tilde.team) has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
22:49 <~tomasino> love your approach
22:49 <~tomasino> gingerbread man deserves as much pain as you can muster
01:45 <codingquark> Good morning@
02:13 <ahriman> hello codingquark
02:13 <codingquark> :D
02:14 <codingquark> How goes the Voyage?
02:15 <ahriman> i actually don't have an account, i just like following project development and i enjoy reading what others have posted on cosmic.voyage
02:17 <codingquark> ahriman: same, I am currently reading what people write. Someday I'll start writing too many be.
02:21 <khuxkm> "too many be"?
02:21 <ahriman> khuxkm: i think they meant "Someday I'll start writing, too, maybe"
02:22 <khuxkm> yeah that makes sense
02:22 <khuxkm> more sense than my initial read of "I'll start writing too many bees"
02:23 <ahriman> lol
02:23 <codingquark> :'D
02:23 <codingquark> khuxkm: *too may be
<mattx> xwindows: just so you know
<mattx> Java CPUs are real
<xfnw> mattx: oh no
<mattx> xfnw: JAVA. NOW.
<mattx> java, #1 masochism platform
15:24 <+jan6> hmm, I'hm back, I guess
15:24 <+aewens> Are you sure?
15:36 <ben|weechat> hi back, i'm dad
15:42 * aewens face palms while snickering.
15:42 <~ben> heh
16:20 <@khuxkm|lounge> ben: the dad of the tildeverse
[10:26:12] * | kirch loves that the US Gov't sues objects it's confiscated from people
[10:26:25] <threv> asset forfeiture++
[10:26:25] <BitBot> [Karma] asset forfeiture now has 1 karma
12:24 <+jan6> just don't use anything addictive for a long time, nor for much at a time, and you'll be fine
12:24 <desvox> ^
12:24 <desvox> or you could fly off the deepend and become desvox
12:25 <desvox> my entire family knows about my psychotic alcoholism at this point
12:25 <~ben> oops
12:25 <~ben> iambecomedesvox
12:26 <~ben> destroyer of all wodka
16:41 * @khuxkm is now known as * @MrBungle
16:41 * @MrBungle is now known as * @khuxkm
16:56 * Kneezle|web is now known as * thetwo
16:56 * thetwo is now known as * Kneezle|Web
16:59 * Kneezle|Web is now known as * theforth
16:59 * theforth is now known as * Kneezle|Web
17:00 * @jan6 is now known as * @Agent_Smith
17:01 * Kneezle|Web is now known as * Agent_Smith[2]
17:03 * Agent_Smith[2] is now known as * Kneezle|web
17:03 * @Agent_Smith is now known as * @Agent_Smith[1]
17:04 * @Agent_Smith[1] is now known as * @jan6