top quotes of all time

<[smlckz]> ,8 go is better than rust and c is better than go?
<tildebot> [8Ball] You shake the magic ball... it says Yes
<[smlckz]> good

275: score: 16 /

sometimes I go pp

203: score: 16 /

<amcclure> rip band
<june> what's the band called?
<gbmor> everybody run
<june> from what
* amcclure runs
<june> FROM WHAT

178: score: 16 /

12:06 <TildeBot> jan6: , Stop existing is at least you. I really do!
12:07 <@ben> I relly do!
12:07 <+jan6> tildebot, quit your miserable existance at once!
12:07 <TildeBot> jan6: Errors were encountered while processing.

23: score: 16 /

23:19 <~ben> compile those fonts
23:20 <praetor> hehe
23:22 <fosslinux> Run gentoo
23:22 <fosslinux> "must compile kernel"
23:22 <fosslinux> Run lfs
23:23 <fosslinux> "cannot compile kernel"
23:23 <fosslinux> Gains depression
23:23 <praetor> awww
23:24 <jchelpau> compiling a kernel is easy though
23:24 <~aewens> Unless if you overcome that depression and build your compiler, then you attain enlightenment.
23:24 <jchelpau> yes, lock yourself in a room with SICP and bootstrap your way out of depression

121: score: 15 /

17:20 <stompy> is it sacrilege to use trebuchet ms as your gtk/qt font in linux
17:20 <stompy> i cant help it i like the font
17:20 <~ben> probably sacrilege lol
17:20 <~ben> but i'm not judging
17:20 <stompy> what if i used internet explorer in wine
17:20 * Kneezle|shouldbeworking sobs
17:20 <Kneezle|shouldbeworking> plx no

113: score: 15 /

22:47 <~tomasino> when you eat a gingerbread man, do you start with a specific body part?
22:48 <~ahriman> i eat the legs of the gingerbread man first. if the gingerbread man can't walk away, it can't escape
22:48 <~tomasino> i usually start with the head
22:48 <~tomasino> mantis style
22:48 <~ahriman> you just kill it right off the bat
22:48 <~ben> probably feet
22:49 <~ahriman> i prefer for the gingerbread man to suffer and know its fate
22:49 <benharri> yoinks
22:49 <-- benharri ( has quit (quit: WeeChat 2.3)
22:49 <~tomasino> love your approach
22:49 <~tomasino> gingerbread man deserves as much pain as you can muster

107: score: 15 /

01:45 <codingquark>  Good morning@
02:13 <ahriman>  hello codingquark 
02:13 <codingquark>  :D
02:14 <codingquark>  How goes the Voyage?
02:15 <ahriman>  i actually don't have an account, i just like following project development and i enjoy reading what others have posted on
02:17 <codingquark>  ahriman: same, I am currently reading what people write. Someday I'll start writing too many be.
02:21 <khuxkm>  "too many be"?
02:21 <ahriman>  khuxkm: i think they meant "Someday I'll start writing, too, maybe"
02:22 <khuxkm>  yeah that makes sense
02:22 <khuxkm>  more sense than my initial read of "I'll start writing too many bees"
02:23 <ahriman>  lol
02:23 <codingquark>  :'D
02:23 <codingquark>  khuxkm: *too may be

106: score: 15 /

15:24 <+jan6> hmm, I'hm back, I guess
15:24 <+aewens> Are you sure?
15:36 <ben|weechat> hi back, i'm dad
15:42 * aewens face palms while snickering.
15:42 <~ben> heh
16:20 <@khuxkm|lounge> ben: the dad of the tildeverse

44: score: 15 /

<X> I’ve created a writing software to rival Microsoft.
<X> It’s their Word against mine.

302: score: 14 /

<&login> the smart don't have it any better than the unsmart

246: score: 14 /

20:49 <~ben> beer time
20:52 <@cmccabe> s/beer/bed/
20:52 <sedbot> <cmccabe> bedscream float?
20:52 <@cmccabe> or not

205: score: 14 /

This is quote #204

204: score: 14 /

16:41 * @khuxkm is now known as * @MrBungle
16:41 * @MrBungle is now known as * @khuxkm
16:56 * Kneezle|web is now known as * thetwo
16:56 * thetwo is now known as * Kneezle|Web
16:59 * Kneezle|Web is now known as * theforth
16:59 * theforth is now known as * Kneezle|Web
17:00 * @jan6 is now known as * @Agent_Smith
17:01 * Kneezle|Web is now known as * Agent_Smith[2]
17:03 * Agent_Smith[2] is now known as * Kneezle|web
17:03 * @Agent_Smith is now known as * @Agent_Smith[1]
17:04 * @Agent_Smith[1] is now known as * @jan6

112: score: 14 /

18:29 <tunas> fsck --dont-actually-check
18:29 <tunas> An alias for fsck -n that's objectively cooler xD
18:29 <~ben> ls --dont-list-files
18:29 <tunas> Why isn't --dont-bother a universal argument?
18:29 <~ben> sudont

80: score: 14 /