01:45 <codingquark> Good morning@
02:13 <ahriman> hello codingquark
02:13 <codingquark> :D
02:14 <codingquark> How goes the Voyage?
02:15 <ahriman> i actually don't have an account, i just like following project development and i enjoy reading what others have posted on cosmic.voyage
02:17 <codingquark> ahriman: same, I am currently reading what people write. Someday I'll start writing too many be.
02:21 <khuxkm> "too many be"?
02:21 <ahriman> khuxkm: i think they meant "Someday I'll start writing, too, maybe"
02:22 <khuxkm> yeah that makes sense
02:22 <khuxkm> more sense than my initial read of "I'll start writing too many bees"
02:23 <ahriman> lol
02:23 <codingquark> :'D
02:23 <codingquark> khuxkm: *too may be