23:56 < zer0> no worries, gen zs are killing email
23:56 <@kumquat> thank goodness
23:56 < zer0> gradually, but surely
23:56 <@kumquat> i knew those kids were all right
23:57 <@june> is there anything gen z isn't killing
23:57 <@june> IS THERE ANYTHING
23:57 < terris> boomers :(
In #tea:
alex11> i bet #coffee is full of miserable bastards
alex11> they are genetically inferior
spider> \coffee alex11
* barista hands alex11 a tall boiling hot white chocolate macchiato with 2 shots of espresso!
spider> :P
* kiedtl has kicked spider from #tea (uh no no no no, we don't do that here)
20:10 * kirch has worn the letters off the following keys: aces
20:16 <~aewens> This just in, kirch's password contains the letters "aces"
20:18 <kirch> I can neither confirm nor deny that
23:19:10 tomasino | i'm back home
23:19:12 tomasino | pants are gone
23:19:18 tomasino | ready for some me time
23:19:23 tomasino | i'm thinking shadow tactics
09:51 acdw | was thinking, does werewolf have wolf pee, or human pee
09:52 dozens | probably wolfish human pee? you know, wolfman pee
09:52 katie | there are two balls inside you. one of them stores the human pee, and the other one stores the wolf pee
11:59 <~ben> dozens of them
11:59 <~ben> heh
11:59 <~ben> sry not sry for ping
12:01 <+aewens> Don't use nouns as your username if you don't want accidental pings.
12:02 <+aewens> There could be dozens of people who login to virtual servers, just like this one saying things people may think are a sin unless of you're a phoenix who cares not because it's a scifi creature.
12:03 <~ben> oh man
12:03 <scifi> lol
13:09:26 vld | I'm so tired yet I don't sleep
13:09:32 vld | why I'm like this?
13:26:32 --> | kuriz has joined #meta
13:27:17 kuriz | strange are the things power outages can do to a man
13:27:27 kuriz | i actually read a book
13:27:30 kuriz | have i gone mad?
Meanwhile, in the fallback channel on freenode
01:28 <fosslinux> uh
01:28 <fosslinux> the topic is spelt wrong
01:28 <fosslinux> nitpick
01:28 <fosslinux> whats the other one
01:28 <@khuxkm> no it's not
01:28 <brendantcc> khuxkm, buddy, are you okay?
01:28 <@khuxkm> oh wait fuck it is holy shit
01:28 <fosslinux> goup
01:28 The topic is: https://tilde.team linux user goup
01:28 Topic set by * @benharri on 28 March 2018, 11:25:46
01:28 <fosslinux> lmao
01:28 <@khuxkm> blame ben
01:29 <fosslinux> ok
01:29 <fosslinux> #blameben
01:29 <brendantcc> lmao
01:29 <@khuxkm> it's his fault
01:29 * @khuxkm has changed the topic to: https://tilde.team linux user group | "https://tilde.team linux user goup" ~ ben's topic, 2k18-2k19
02:05 <stompy> when i lived in charlotte we had a speed limit sign in our front yard
02:05 <stompy> one night we got super drunk
02:06 <stompy> i got my roommate mike to balance on my shoulders and i walked him over with some white paint
02:06 <stompy> from then on it said
02:06 <stompy> PEE LIMIT
02:06 <stompy> 25
16:30 <~ben> tildeverse hug of love
16:30 <dozens> \o/ <3
16:30 * tomasino tilde's the crap out of dozens
16:31 * dozens craps the tilde out of tomasino
16:31 <+tomasino> oof