13:22 <kirch> the great thing about having kids is that I tell my parents what lego sets "my kids" want for their birthday, then I get to build them :3
16:30 <~ben> tildeverse hug of love
16:30 <dozens> \o/ <3
16:30 * tomasino tilde's the crap out of dozens
16:31 * dozens craps the tilde out of tomasino
16:31 <+tomasino> oof
12:06 <TildeBot> jan6: , Stop existing is at least you. I really do!
12:07 <@ben> I relly do!
12:07 <+jan6> tildebot, quit your miserable existance at once!
12:07 <TildeBot> jan6: Errors were encountered while processing.
13:09:26 vld | I'm so tired yet I don't sleep
13:09:32 vld | why I'm like this?
13:26:32 --> | kuriz has joined #meta
13:27:17 kuriz | strange are the things power outages can do to a man
13:27:27 kuriz | i actually read a book
13:27:30 kuriz | have i gone mad?
11:59 <~ben> dozens of them
11:59 <~ben> heh
11:59 <~ben> sry not sry for ping
12:01 <+aewens> Don't use nouns as your username if you don't want accidental pings.
12:02 <+aewens> There could be dozens of people who login to virtual servers, just like this one saying things people may think are a sin unless of you're a phoenix who cares not because it's a scifi creature.
12:03 <~ben> oh man
12:03 <scifi> lol
09:51 acdw | was thinking, does werewolf have wolf pee, or human pee
09:52 dozens | probably wolfish human pee? you know, wolfman pee
09:52 katie | there are two balls inside you. one of them stores the human pee, and the other one stores the wolf pee