quote 36

20:56 -!- Topic for #journal: The Intentional Journal of the Tildeverse - https://journal.tildeverse.org
20:56 -!- Topic set by khuxkm [] [Tue Jul 10 00:11:12 2018]
20:56 <@khuxkm> The Intentional Journal of the Tildeverse - https://journal.tildeverse.org | RMS is reviewing cmccabe's paper! w00t!
20:56 <@khuxkm> fuck
20:56 -!- khuxkm changed the topic of #journal to: The Intentional Journal of the Tildeverse - https://journal.tildeverse.org | RMS is reviewing cmccabe's paper! w00t!
20:57 <+ben> We're on the map

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