More adventures in #tea:
kiedtl> \coffee
* barista passes kiedtl a short lukewarm hazelnut cappuccino with 1 shot of espresso!
kiedtl> fuck. wrong channel
* kiedtl has kicked kiedtl from #tea (your presence in this community is no longer desirable)
07:42:13 arne | i have set tabbed to open new tabs at
| position 1
07:42:16 arne | not relative
07:42:31 ~ben | in what?
07:42:35 arne | tabbed
07:42:41 tomasino | in life
07:42:45 tomasino | all his life tabs open in position 1
07:42:48 ~ben | tabbed what
07:42:49 tomasino | ;)
07:43:14 arne | tabbed, the suckless utility to run
| multiple X programs in a tabbed interface
07:43:29 ~ben | ohhhh it's the name of a program
07:43:33 arne | lol
12:23 <@ben> TildeBot: where are you getting your information
12:23 <TildeBot> ben: Data is information, especially that stored in a computer program, and i am a human being. That should be obvious from my ability to learn.
03:01 <~ben> which shouldn't be surprising though, cause i hadn't even heard of comptuercrfa
03:01 <~ben> jfc
03:01 <~ben> i was doing so well until i got to that last word
03:01 <~ben> computercraft
[22:11] Rph: lol lego
[22:11] Rph: brb gonna build a real pinball machine
[22:11] G Softwares: in electron
[22:12] Rph: no
[22:12] Rph: with a few arduinos
[22:12] G Softwares: ah
[22:12] G Softwares: k
[22:12] G Softwares: and electron code
[smlckz]: 88oRqwadueNUrblgvQO0UdeRFum0
[smlckz]: sorry lol
login: [smlckz]: nice password
anton: [smlckz]: nice password
anton: jinx
login: anton: yup
[smlckz]: rofl
login: we were of one mind there
login: it could be a conincidence
login: or a sign from god
login: I mean jan6
anton: all hail jan6
jan6: all hail jan6
[smlckz]: how can we grab this holy moment
<acdw> i wish they'd get rid of it in the US
<tomasino> i wish they'd get rid of the US
<~ben> i wish they'd get rid of the us
<~ben> omg
<tomasino> :D
<tomasino> twinsies!
<~ben> jinx
14:18:29 +jan6 | who needs to smoke to get high? don't you have a brain full of complex chemicals?
14:18:54 kumquat | weed is easier than mind control
14:19:15 +aewens | Who needs drugs when you can just breathe in deeply next to a chocolate cake to remind you why life is worth living?
14:19:32 * | jan6 steals said cake
14:19:43 * | aewens tells jan6 that the cake is a lie.
14:42 <tildebridge> <~FreeAppSW> hmmmm
14:42 <tildebridge> <~FreeAppSW> what about a brand new chat service based on irc?
14:42 <+aewens> That's called slack
14:42 <tildebridge> <~FreeAppSW> no
14:42 <tildebridge> <~FreeAppSW> or wait