quote 217

18:56 < tildebot> [Ducks] shreyas befriended a duck in 3.5 seconds! You've befriended 1 duck in #meta!
18:56 < tildebot> [Ducks] kumquat: There was no duck! missed by 0.76 seconds
18:56 < kumquat> oh first duck, nice
18:56 < shreyas> captured the first two, actually
18:57 < shreyas> being a bit non-violent now
18:57 < kumquat> ahhh
19:01 < alex11> duck virginity broken
19:01 < alex11> ...ew
19:01 < shreyas> uh
19:01 < kumquat> um
19:01 < shreyas> that's one way to put it :D
19:01 < kumquat> please don't violate the #meta ducks
19:01 < kumquat> or any tilde chat ducks
19:01 < kumquat> or any ducks in general
19:02 < shreyas> or any creatures in general
19:02 < kumquat> yes
19:02 < alex11> or any generals
19:02 < shreyas> definitely not any generals

217: score: 18 /