quote 128

17:20 <cat> as a cat i am very interested in yarn package
17:21 * jan6 pats the cat
17:23 <jchelpau> are you really a cat
17:23 <~ben> cat is either a feline housepet or a linux command for concatenating files
17:23 <~ben> still haven't really figured that one out
17:24 <handyc> why not both
17:24 <~tomasino> that's right ben, cat is a perfect combination of two elemental opposing forces
17:25 <handyc> cat cat.txt | grep cat
17:25 <~tomasino> cats, the avatar of death and destruction, and cat, the quintessential tool for joining all things (since in UNIX, all things are files)
17:25 <~tomasino> destruction and creation
17:25 <~tomasino> cat, at his core

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