this is an irc quote database, in the style of, that aims to catalog moments on
14:09 <~ben> i love my x1 carbon 14:10 <mushmouth> nice ben 14:10 <mushmouth> do you have a t420?
22:51 <slipyx> ;eval True 22:51 <dustbot> > True 22:51 <slipyx> began writing this when i thought evaluating python and erotic novel quotes were all a bot was need for 22:52 <slipyx> wasnt expecting to evolve it
22:50 <ben> can i spotify even if i don't have an acconut? 22:50 <ben> a coconut 22:50 <ben> an account
22:44 <tildebridge> <arne> guys this is me irl i just took a photoshoot 22:44 <tildebridge> <arne> 22:45 <~ben> noice 22:45 <tildebridge> <virtual> arne * 7 22:45 <tildebridge> <khuxkm> times 6 22:46 <tildebridge> <khuxkm> you zipper 22:46 <tildebridge> <virtual> i cant count 22:46 <tildebridge> <virtual> lol
11:38 <@virtual> ex em pee pee 11:38 <~ben> pepe 11:38 <~ben> peepee 11:38 <@virtual> haha
03:01 <~ben> which shouldn't be surprising though, cause i hadn't even heard of comptuercrfa 03:01 <~ben> jfc 03:01 <~ben> i was doing so well until i got to that last word 03:01 <~ben> computercraft
07:42:13 arne | i have set tabbed to open new tabs at | position 1 07:42:16 arne | not relative 07:42:31 ~ben | in what? 07:42:35 arne | tabbed 07:42:41 tomasino | in life 07:42:45 tomasino | all his life tabs open in position 1 07:42:48 ~ben | tabbed what 07:42:49 tomasino | ;) 07:43:14 arne | tabbed, the suckless utility to run | multiple X programs in a tabbed interface 07:43:29 ~ben | ohhhh it's the name of a program 07:43:33 arne | lol
16:46:23 ~ben │ l4p1n: finger me
13:07:25 @idlerpg_bot │ jan6 EXPLODED, somewhat... This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, from level 41.
11:31 <aewens> jan6: I'll removeth thy banishment if thy asks nicely 11:36 <jan6> I beg thee, almighty prospector of #chaos, thee who controls the mightly hmmscore, to pardon me from my sins 11:41 <aewens> A simple please would have worked, but okay xD 11:42 <aewens> jan6: Thoust hath been pardoned. 11:54 <jan6> I thanketh thee, for thy mercy
15:24 <+jan6> hmm, I'hm back, I guess 15:24 <+aewens> Are you sure? 15:36 <ben|weechat> hi back, i'm dad 15:42 * aewens face palms while snickering. 15:42 <~ben> heh ... 16:20 <@khuxkm|lounge> ben: the dad of the tildeverse
16:10 <~ben> 8gb is solid 16:11 <tildebridge> <Miloteza> duh 16:11 <tildebridge> <Miloteza> if it were liquid it woudlnt work
14:18:55 -- │ jan6 is now known as jan6|falseprophet
[19:30] FreeApp2014: @Rph should I create an empty ruby file so it hangs around in my rpc and triggers you? [19:38] Rph: oh you fucking [19:40] FreeApp2014: ? [19:40] Rph: smh(edited) [19:40] Rph: you make me angry