quote 162

02:05 <~ahriman> fosslinux: plz console me with tales of how the Knights of Parametric Polymorphism saved the kingdom of Software Engineeria from the evil Anti-Pattern Imperial Army
02:05 <~ahriman> npa: you too
02:05 <npa> generics are sweet
02:05 <~ahriman> oh
02:05 <npa> just imagine it's copying and pasting the code but with different types
02:06 <~ahriman> nifty, but it doesn't sound like an epic folktale
02:07 <npa> the knights performed ritualistic mitosis, generating swathes of different legion calvaries
02:07 <~ahriman> oooooooo
02:08 <npa> all forming alliance to fight against skelington, the singleton anti-pattern
02:08 <~ahriman> i hate him! he's so mean
02:09 <npa> skelington's power of always having a single instance around meant traditional weapons were useless
02:09 <~ahriman> oh no!!!
02:09 <npa> it was up to the mighty end-of-program destructor to fire to quench this evil beast
02:09 <~ahriman> get 'em
02:09 <npa> 360-no scope
02:10 <~ahriman> haha

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