quote 175

06:05 < ynx> robdrake: is tornado alley exciting to live in?
06:12 < LordRyan> ,w
06:12 < BitBot> [Weather|LordRyan] (Wichita, Kansas, USA) 9C/48F | Clear Sky | Humidity: 55% | Wind: 20.5KMh/12.8MPh
06:12 < LordRyan> think that qualifies as being in tornado alley
06:12 < LordRyan> I've only ever once been concerned over a tornado
06:12 < LordRyan> It's not much worse than being on the east coast and having hurricanes, or being on the west coast and tsunamis, they're a 
                  potential thing that can happen but you're typically prepared.
06:14 < ynx> that's comforting
06:15 < LordRyan> It's actually one of the few natural disasters you can just go underground and wait it out.
06:16 < LordRyan> What're you gonna do in a hurricane or tsunami flood? Earthquake that ruins your basement's foundations? Can't just go in a bunker.
06:25 < ynx> that's true
06:26 < ynx> i guess if you had a boat, a flood wouldn't be bad
06:27 < LordRyan> they wrote a book about that
06:27 < LordRyan> called it the bible
06:27 < LordRyan> bunch of other filler tho
06:50 < ynx> Hah
06:51 < ynx> 300 cubits
06:58 < epoch> cubitcraft
06:58 < epoch> voxels that are a cubic cubit

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