quote 125

21:54 <cat>  don't forget to save regularly dudes
21:55 <cat>  a friendly PSA from ya local IT teacher
21:55 <brendantcc|web>  lol
21:55 <brendantcc|web>  let me guess - you screwed up and closed a project you spent the last 6 hours or so?
21:56 <cat>  no, because i save regularly
21:56 <brendantcc|web>  lol right okay
21:56 <slipyx>  also *commit early and often*
21:56 <brendantcc|web>  lmaooo
21:56 <cat>  my students however did not and are gonna fail the class
21:57 <~ahriman>  oof
21:57 <khuxkm|lounge>  massive oof

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