quote 38

12:46 * jan6 stops pouring gasoline on the ~.team and attempts to put up an innocent smile while hiding the can behind his back
12:46 * virtual falls down stairs
12:47 * khuxkm|lounge looks at the can, jan6, then the can, then just sighs
12:48 <@khuxkm|lounge> can we have one say w/o someone trying to burn down ~team
12:48 * jan6 quietly puts a box of matches in khuxkm|lounges pocket
12:48 * khuxkm|lounge throws matches at jan6
12:48 <@khuxkm|lounge> if you want to burn it down, you gotta do it urself lol
12:49 * jan6 spontaneously combusts, igniting the nearby gasoline-covered ~.team

38: score: 14 /