~chat irc quote database

this is an irc quote database, in the style of bash.org, that aims to catalog moments on tilde.chat.

22:28 <~tomasino> in reality, it was ben. He lured me into his van with candy and before I knew it I was scripting things in his little hole in the ground, putting the lotion on its skin, all of it

99: score: -29 /

13:11 <~ben> lol /var/www/html2
13:11 <~ben> why 2
13:11 <~khuxkm|lounge> because it's HTML 2.0
13:11 <~khuxkm|lounge> duh

98: score: 5 /

02:05 <stompy> when i lived in charlotte we had a speed limit sign in our front yard
02:05 <stompy> one night we got super drunk
02:06 <stompy> i got my roommate mike to balance on my shoulders and i walked him over with some white paint
02:06 <stompy> from then on it said
02:06 <stompy> PEE LIMIT
02:06 <stompy> 25

97: score: 30 /

16:44 <khuxkm|lounge> !admin down
16:44 <sotdbot> khuxkm|lounge: You can't tell me what to do!
16:44 <khuxkm|lounge> FUCK YOU BITCH I OWN YOU
16:44 <-- sotdbot (sotdbot@tilde.team) has quit (Connection closed)

96: score: -68 /

13:23:37 @cmccabe | hey ben
13:23:48     ~ben | how goes it
13:23:54     ~ben | happy december
13:24:09 @cmccabe | it goes
13:24:22 @cmccabe | but it is december and the snow i ordered still hasn't arrived
13:24:42     ~ben | you ordered snow? wtf
13:24:46     ~ben | i'm so glad we don't have any yet
13:25:04 @cmccabe | i love snow
13:25:13     ~ben | you should move to michigan then
13:25:26     ~ben | i've had enough for several lifetimes

95: score: -30 /

#meta: who the fuck waits until they're legal to drink?

94: score: 53 /

17:10:13   -- | You are now known as |
17:10:17   +| | welp
17:10:22 ~ben | lol
17:10:22   +| | I've done it now
17:10:25 ~ben | you're a madlad

93: score: 22 /

12:05 <~vilmibm> what does one do in animal crossing? i don't know anything about it
12:06 <desvox> vilmibm: you be cute, be gay, and do crimes

92: score: 1 /

12:07 <spacecadet> did yall know that animal crossing contains a real NES emulator?
12:07 <dozens> bad cart
12:08 <desvox> this isnt sonic 06 why it be like how it do
12:08 <aloosefruit> wait wat spacecadet
12:08 <dozens> wait wat spacecadet
12:08 <desvox> wait wat spacecadet
12:08 <fantoro> wait wat spacecadet
12:08 <aliasless> wait wat spacecadet

91: score: -1 /

cdmnky │ jeez, it's almost 10. i better go and take a shower                                                                                        
SinaCutie │ Good luck!                                                                                                                                 
* │ cdmnky grabs a screwdriver and a flashlight

90: score: 11 /

16:26 <brendantcc_lounge> -_-
16:27 <~ben> :x
17:25 <dokuja> :(
17:25 <aewens> :o
17:26 <~ben> :3
17:26 <aewens> :<
17:27 <~ben> :>
17:27 <dokuja> :S
17:31 <~ben> :Z
17:46 <ubergeek> /
17:47 <ubergeek> c-c-c-combo breaker!

89: score: -43 /

17:55 * aewens wiggles jan6's mouse to end suspend mode
17:55 <SinaCutie> (That's not a mouse)
17:56 <+aewens> (oh my)

88: score: 38 /

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

87: score: -1 /

03:46 <murii> Remember, a few hours of trial and error can save you several minutes of looking at the README.

86: score: 50 /

15:41 <+aewens> Which I am currently trying to understand how the cloning software works since a customer is trying to use it to fit a square block into a round hole.
15:41 <tildebeast> if you put the customer on a lathe they'll fit after careful adjustment

85: score: 35 /