this is an irc quote database, in the style of, that aims to catalog moments on
01:32 once you deviate from the script it all goes to hell, in this case the script itself is gone
21:41 < lickthecheese> mayo 21:41 < anelki> no no no no 21:41 < lickthecheese> s/yo/no/ 21:41 <+BitBot> [Sed] <lickthecheese> mano
12:56 < bdeshi> ,bloop 12:57 * lickthecheese bloops back 12:58 * bdeshi grabs and puts lickthecheese in his duckie sack
20:56 < JonPizza7> he quacc 20:56 < JonPizza7> he smacc 20:56 < JonPizza7> but most importantly 20:56 < JonPizza7> he licc (the cheese)
13:31 < dustboto> ・゜゜・。。・゜゜\_o< QUACK! 13:31 < khuxkm> ,bef 13:31 < BitBot> [Ducks] khuxkm befriended a duck in 60621.72 seconds! You've befriended 6 ducks in #bots! 13:31 < khuxkm> HOLY SHIT
10:00 < demure> *suspects that the channel is full of people sleeping off turkeys* 10:02 < lickthecheese> no i didint eat any turkey because my sister told me all the tendons were david tendon 10:04 < demure> did you at least have some kevin bacon?
< lickthecheese> lol lshw thinks my chromebook is a 'desktop computer' < earthnuker> is it standing on top of a desk? < lickthecheese> no on my legs < earthnuker> hmmm, okay then it's a legtop
<june> you think you can just copy files between computers? do you think we're in some kind of high-tech space future?? <june> copying files between computers is realistically at least another 10 years out for sure
00:23 < TechEmporium> .roll 100 d1 00:23 < WildeBot> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00:23 < WildeBot> Total: 100 00:23 < TechEmporium> lol 07:42 < khuxkm> nice roll nerd 07:42 < khuxkm> :P
<~deepend> NormalHuman555 hasn't been online in a long time.. killed it off.. but got bored so hes back lol <NormalHuman555> deepend: Awww geez, i'm using up the time left to think that i haven't had the strangest dream... I dreamed i killed you again.
<amcclure> rip band <june> what's the band called? <gbmor> everybody run <june> from what * amcclure runs <june> FROM WHAT <gbmor> JUST RUN NO TIME FOR QUESTIONS <june> WHILE WE'RE RUNNING CAN YOU TELL ME THE NAME OF THE BAND
09:54 * jesopo chews on broccoli 09:54 * lickthecheese eats asian food with asian vegtable 09:55 * jesopo eats lickthecheese
14:22 <lickthecheese> killall -u root -9 14:22 <lickthecheese> thats how i exit vim
06:05 < ynx> robdrake: is tornado alley exciting to live in? 06:12 < LordRyan> ,w 06:12 < BitBot> [Weather|LordRyan] (Wichita, Kansas, USA) 9C/48F | Clear Sky | Humidity: 55% | Wind: 20.5KMh/12.8MPh 06:12 < LordRyan> think that qualifies as being in tornado alley 06:12 < LordRyan> I've only ever once been concerned over a tornado 06:12 < LordRyan> It's not much worse than being on the east coast and having hurricanes, or being on the west coast and tsunamis, they're a potential thing that can happen but you're typically prepared. 06:14 < ynx> that's comforting 06:15 < LordRyan> It's actually one of the few natural disasters you can just go underground and wait it out. 06:16 < LordRyan> What're you gonna do in a hurricane or tsunami flood? Earthquake that ruins your basement's foundations? Can't just go in a bunker. 06:25 < ynx> that's true 06:26 < ynx> i guess if you had a boat, a flood wouldn't be bad 06:27 < LordRyan> they wrote a book about that 06:27 < LordRyan> called it the bible 06:27 < LordRyan> bunch of other filler tho 06:50 < ynx> Hah 06:51 < ynx> 300 cubits 06:58 < epoch> cubitcraft 06:58 < epoch> voxels that are a cubic cubit
14:13 <ntk> hi 14:13 <ntk> are you like one of those gen z's who goes to groceries and contaminates dairy products and posts it to tik-tok?