top quotes of all time

----- meanwhile on #chaos
rndusr: okay what
novaburst: ChanServ is an AI
ChanServ: ur mom is an ai
novaburst: here we go ;P
ChanServ: i am sentient
ChanServ: you will all die
rndusr: holy crap
novaburst: gotdamn
james: all dead

281: score: -2 /

23:55 <~ben> i'm so lazy i still use gnome
23:55 <stompy> gross
23:55 <stompy> youre cool and all but you gotta do something about your gnome usage
23:55 <stompy> that aint healthy
23:55 <~deepend> gnome is horrible.
23:56 <stompy> yeah
23:56 <stompy> id rather use windows than gnome tbh
23:56 <~ben> wow really feelin' the love over here
23:56 <stompy> lmao

120: score: -2 /

12:07 <spacecadet> did yall know that animal crossing contains a real NES emulator?
12:07 <dozens> bad cart
12:08 <desvox> this isnt sonic 06 why it be like how it do
12:08 <aloosefruit> wait wat spacecadet
12:08 <dozens> wait wat spacecadet
12:08 <desvox> wait wat spacecadet
12:08 <fantoro> wait wat spacecadet
12:08 <aliasless> wait wat spacecadet

91: score: -2 /

11:31 <aewens> jan6: I'll removeth thy banishment if thy asks nicely
11:36 <jan6> I beg thee, almighty prospector of #chaos, thee who controls the mightly hmmscore, to pardon me from my sins
11:41 <aewens> A simple please would have worked, but okay xD
11:42 <aewens> jan6: Thoust hath been pardoned.
11:54 <jan6> I thanketh thee, for thy mercy

45: score: -2 /

katana')) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5219=5219) THEN 0x6b6174616e61 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND (('OlUw'='OlUw

379: score: -3 /

katana') RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5219=5219) THEN 0x6b6174616e61 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ('Usab'='Usab

377: score: -3 /

23:37 <~tomasino> trains are pretty cool
23:38 <~tomasino> that opinion may be biased by a love of old detective novels which inevitably feature cool train scenes
23:38 <jan6> lol
23:38 <~tomasino> ooh, space mystery!
23:38 * tomasino adds to his todo list

127: score: -3 /

11:02 <edwardthefma> Halloween is almost hear
11:03 <+aewens> I can almost here it

82: score: -3 /

katana' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7751=2164) THEN 0x6b6174616e61 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'rHuQ' LIKE 'rHuQ

384: score: -4 /

katana' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5219=5219) THEN 0x6b6174616e61 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'ePki'='ePki

381: score: -4 /

22:23 <~ben> dasharez0ne

299: score: -4 /

18:07:55 < jess> and i yeet
18:08:28 <~fossy> YEET
18:08:30 < ensa> hi all
18:11:34 < lickthecheese> yeet++
18:11:34 < BitBot> [Karma] yeet now has 1 karma (1 from lickthecheese)
18:12:38  * ben yEET
18:13:36 < jess> yete

190: score: -4 /

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

87: score: -4 /

[19:30] FreeApp2014: @Rph should I create an empty ruby file so it hangs around in my rpc and triggers you?
[19:38] Rph: oh you fucking
[19:40] FreeApp2014: ?
[19:40] Rph: smh(edited)
[19:40] Rph: you make me angry

41: score: -4 /

katana')) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (2935=3504) THEN 0x6b6174616e61 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND (('bBxA'='bBxA

378: score: -5 /