<june> you think you can just copy files between computers? do you think we're in some kind of high-tech space future??
<june> copying files between computers is realistically at least another 10 years out for sure
16:07 <+jan6|> Also stop invoking tildebot for no reason to avoid stupid responses such as the one generated using thissentence
16:07 <TildeBot> jan6|, This time wouldn't needed to avoid the ping, tbh, but i also thiokradiobot that. Actually, on second thoughts, don't take any more stupid chances.
16:07 <+jan6|> thiokradiobot
16:07 <+jan6|> Hmmmm
16:07 <+jan6|> "Actually, on second thoughts, don't take any more stupid chances" - TildeBot, 2018
16:07 <TildeBot> jan6|, Are you inventing new words or something i could tell me? On second thoughts, don't take any more stupid chances.
[threkk] 17:55
∟ I am afraid to ask how is the vim vs emacs balance here
[ben] 17:55
∟ pretty solid balance i think
[desvox] 17:56
∟ i use emacs like vim but it also fries my breakfast, controls the city
traffic lights, and makes sure i dont die in my sleep
[threkk] 17:57
∟ does it also edit text?
[ben] 17:57
∟ i sure hope so :P
[desvox] 17:57
∟ threkk: lots of text
[desvox] 17:58
∟ all the text, it is the all seeing eye of the universe
[desvox] 17:58
∟ alternatively it is a kitchen sink full of dead cats
[ben] 17:59
∟ omf