<ensa> can you add your own quotes
<cyberia> technically yes
<cyberia> socially, shrug
<nue> yes you can
<nue> look at this
<nue> ,qadd nue i added this quote by myself
<BitBot> [Quotes] Please provide a category AND quote
<nue> fuck you
07:52 dozens | i like the idea of gherkin and tdd
07:53 dozens | never been on a team disciplined enough to do it though
07:53 lucidiot | gherking off on tddies i see
07:53 dozens | omg
~rndusr: merp
~xfnw: merp
~cano: merp
~rndusr: merp
~cano: you said it twice
~rndusr: merp
~rndusr: while true: print('merp')
rndusr has kicked cano (yes)
cano has joined #chaos
~cano: They're going to come here and arrest you
~cano: They're going to process you
~cano: They're going to put you in a meat grinder
~rndusr: what
~cano: They're going to make sausage out of you
~cano: You will be sausage, mark my words
~rndusr: that sounds like a crime
~cano: I am a criminal
~rndusr: plot twist
<khuxkm> just... u n s c r e w p e n i s
<neko> you say that as if you can already unscrew your dick and your body adapting to that change is the problem
<khuxkm> you say that as if that isn't correct
<khuxkm> (/s)
20:26 <~tomasino> guys! crazy news. Apparently this dude on the internet haxxor'd my interwebz and has video of me masturbating to illegal porn! OHNOES! I guess I better pay him all my moneys to stay quiet.
20:27 <~tomasino> jokes on him... i ONLY masturbate to spam emails
01:38 <ahriman> take the Nike approach, login
01:39 <ahriman> and i don't mean exploit developing nations for their lack of labor laws
01:39 <ahriman> i mean "Just Do it"
01:40 <threv> ahriman: see that's where i always go wrong, i mix up the two
06:05 < ynx> robdrake: is tornado alley exciting to live in?
06:12 < LordRyan> ,w
06:12 < BitBot> [Weather|LordRyan] (Wichita, Kansas, USA) 9C/48F | Clear Sky | Humidity: 55% | Wind: 20.5KMh/12.8MPh
06:12 < LordRyan> think that qualifies as being in tornado alley
06:12 < LordRyan> I've only ever once been concerned over a tornado
06:12 < LordRyan> It's not much worse than being on the east coast and having hurricanes, or being on the west coast and tsunamis, they're a
potential thing that can happen but you're typically prepared.
06:14 < ynx> that's comforting
06:15 < LordRyan> It's actually one of the few natural disasters you can just go underground and wait it out.
06:16 < LordRyan> What're you gonna do in a hurricane or tsunami flood? Earthquake that ruins your basement's foundations? Can't just go in a bunker.
06:25 < ynx> that's true
06:26 < ynx> i guess if you had a boat, a flood wouldn't be bad
06:27 < LordRyan> they wrote a book about that
06:27 < LordRyan> called it the bible
06:27 < LordRyan> bunch of other filler tho
06:50 < ynx> Hah
06:51 < ynx> 300 cubits
06:58 < epoch> cubitcraft
06:58 < epoch> voxels that are a cubic cubit
14:37 <den1> who likes living at
14:37 <den1> much better i think
14:37 <~ben> no place like 0::1
14:37 <den1> lol
14:37 <den1> we are neighbours
14:38 <~ben> radiobot: slogan
14:38 <radiobot> 0::1 is where the heart is
14:38 <~ben> lol awesome that's the one i wanted
12:12 * epoch pretends to be amazon
12:29 * no1 orders a big black dildo off epoch
12:30 <no1> Hello epoch customer support, I would like to return this lightly used item
12:31 * epoch stops pretending
12:31 <epoch> ._. no more
12:31 <epoch> stahp
12:31 <epoch> I don't wanna be amazon anymore
12:31 <epoch> ,_,
june | is tilde.zone broken?
fen | seeems like it
june | I hope that's unrelated
june | and PG-13 movies didn't
| break both tooter and
| tilde.zone
ensa | just tried to post through
| toot and 'Unknown error'
june | I blame ubergeek
fen | i blame capitalism
<brendo> anyone have a hooman charger i can borrow
<xfnw> whats a hooman charger
<brendo> a charger you plug into humans to recharge
<CommunistWolf> what voltage do humans tend to take?
<sennomo> In the words of George Carlin: Bend over and let's find out!
13:23:37 @cmccabe | hey ben
13:23:48 ~ben | how goes it
13:23:54 ~ben | happy december
13:24:09 @cmccabe | it goes
13:24:22 @cmccabe | but it is december and the snow i ordered still hasn't arrived
13:24:42 ~ben | you ordered snow? wtf
13:24:46 ~ben | i'm so glad we don't have any yet
13:25:04 @cmccabe | i love snow
13:25:13 ~ben | you should move to michigan then
13:25:26 ~ben | i've had enough for several lifetimes
22:28 <~tomasino> in reality, it was ben. He lured me into his van with candy and before I knew it I was scripting things in his little hole in the ground, putting the lotion on its skin, all of it