this is an irc quote database, in the style of, that aims to catalog moments on
──> suttbolehurfer (~suttbolehu@[redacted]) has joined #adventofcode <gbmor> they were all in love with dying, they were drinking from a fountain that was pouring like an avalanche coming down a mountain <── suttbolehurfer (~suttbolehu@[redacted]) has quit (Connection closed)
<&login> but you must cut off your genitals and give them to me
<acdw> my name is what <acdw> my name is who <acdw> my name is <alex> chika chika <lauren> slim shady
<&login> the smart don't have it any better than the unsmart
2020-11-15 00:11:03 <anelki> when we started to gather this morning and the magafucks were showing up, this kid looked at me and the person next to me an asked why we were dressed like cops. parent: "they're not dressed like cops, they're dressed like antifa." person next to me: "...supersoldiers!"
<thefunkyspaw> shreyas: The world makes a lot more sense when you realize most people want to slack off
19:14 <spideria> anyway I guess the next grown up thing to do is learn to drive 19:14 <june> whoa 19:15 <june> spideria is becoming a boomer 19:15 <hackintech> lol 19:15 <spideria> maybe have a kid 19:15 <spideria> who knows 19:15 <hackintech> no you don't want that 19:15 <spideria> yeah probably not 19:15 <spideria> idk I like other people's kids 19:15 <spideria> hopefully my brother will have one soon 19:16 <spideria> he and I had a nice game of age of empires 2 the other day 19:17 <alex11> give birth to a car 19:17 <hackintech> there you go 19:17 <hackintech> big brain
<cren> i am the keeper of the qdb now, effectively. all the quotes from the last couple of weeks were uploaded by me i think
21:19 <kumquat> I feel like there's got to be a crazy rich person somewhere who would be willing to let someone just lounge around and do nothing 21:19 <kumquat> and get paid for it 21:22 <cren> kumquat, is mspe rich? he might be able to pay you to do nothing all day 21:23 <kumquat> unfortunately not 21:23 <kumquat> I keep telling him to make a dumb game app that makes us billions but he's more concentrated on things that will actually be USEFUL 21:23 <kumquat> SIGH 21:23 <cren> what an awful husband 21:24 <kumquat> agreed 21:24 <@cmccabe> mspe: is secretly rich. he is waiting for the day when kumquat has proven herself so he can reveal the full splendor of his wealth 21:25 <kumquat> if I haven't already proven myself with all the awesome stuff I've already done for him, I guess I'll never find out 21:25 <kumquat> :P 21:25 <@cmccabe> he's waiting for one more perfect sour dough batch (but sshh, i didn't tell you) 21:25 <kumquat> LOL 21:25 <kumquat> well he may be waiting a while 21:26 <kumquat> I don't know if my sourdough pizza dough turned out right 21:26 <blitzkraft> who would've thunk, sour dough brings the dough 21:26 <mspe> only then shall I reveal an old hard drive with a 1,000 BTC wallet 21:26 <blitzkraft> woah. 21:26 <kumquat> lol
<kcubeterm> If anyone wanna join on telegram, you can join @tildeteam for discussion <Dr-WaSabi> can't say I even know what telgram [sic] is? <kcubeterm> wow, man. i hope you are either american or from mars <Dr-WaSabi> mars <entoreor> uhhhh
<acdw> i wish they'd get rid of it in the US <tomasino> i wish they'd get rid of the US <~ben> i wish they'd get rid of the us <~ben> omg <tomasino> :D <tomasino> twinsies! <~ben> jinx
<acdw> ,time kumquat <tildebot> [Time] Time for kumquat: 2020-11-02 21:53:02 UTC+1 <acdw> quick! you only have 7 minutes!!!! <crr> until...? <acdw> it's 8
20:44 < jmw2020> ,qadd khuxkm=I kissed my friend xfnw 20:44 < tildebot> [Quotes] Quote added 20:44 < jmw2020> khuxkm lmao 20:44 < jmw2020> your secrets are LEAKEDDD 20:44 < jmw2020> everyone knows ur secret now 20:45 < jmw2020> ,q khuxkm 20:45 < tildebot> [Quotes] khuxkm|lounge: <khuxkm> no u 20:45 < jmw2020> ... 20:45 < jmw2020> tildebot not the right time
22:18 <@khuxkm> hey jayden 22:18 <@khuxkm> I wanna show you a magic trick 22:19 <@khuxkm> wanna see it? 22:19 < jayden> khuxkm: i have a new way to distribute malicious linux scripts for mass destruction ;) 22:19 <@khuxkm> but do you want to see my magic trick 22:19 < jayden> yeah 22:19 -!- cow2020 [] has quit [A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.] 22:19 -!- jayden [jayden@jmw2020.TILDE] has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.] 22:19 -!- jmw2020 [] has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.] 22:19 < xfnw> lol khuxkm oper abuse! 22:19 < anelki> lmfao 22:19 < hackintech> is a gline a magic trick 22:19 < hackintech> asking for a friend 22:19 < anelki> lmfaooo 22:19 <@khuxkm> no but a killall -u jmw2020 irssi is
justus> Me and all my homeschooled friends in Wisconsin definitely listened to all this stuff ;) justus> *All my homeschooled friends and I justus> Thanks homeschooling