~chat irc quote database

this is an irc quote database, in the style of bash.org, that aims to catalog moments on tilde.chat.

15:25 <epicmorphism> nice gopherhole
15:26 <~aewens> "nice gopherhole" is one of those things that is fine to say in the tech world and only in the tech world
15:26 <~tomasino> hehe
15:26 <~tomasino> i was just thinking the same thing
15:26 <threv> that's my pickup line
15:26 <cdmnky> well, furries say that all the time lol
15:26 <threv> that is no longer my pickup line

143: score: 34 /

15:38  * jan6 goes to shop, first time leaving the house in WEEKS
15:38 <praetor> wow. and I thought I was a shut-in
15:38 <jan6> I know, right

142: score: 7 /

01:38 <ahriman> take the Nike approach, login
01:39 <ahriman> and i don't mean exploit developing nations for their lack of labor laws
01:39 <ahriman> i mean "Just Do it"
01:40 <threv> ahriman: see that's where i always go wrong, i mix up the two

141: score: -32 /

22:48 <cat> lsd sounds rad

140: score: -53 /

03:15 <npa> we spend more time arguing about key binds than it saves lol

139: score: -28 /

02:24 <npa> downvote this

138: score: 1656 /

22:00 <~tomasino> oh, this note in my awesomeideas.txt file is kind sad: "Thought: Can you fall in love with someone from afar? Is it possible to see them all around, hear their thoughts and hear their words as they interact with others and grow to deeply connect? Then it is entirely possible to fall in love with 1994 Meg Ryan."
22:00 <~ben> oh
22:05 <hyperboredoubt> You killed the chat.

137: score: -7 /

22:41 <jan6> enough NormalHuman555 fun for today
22:41 <NormalHuman555> jan6, Sounds like fun, i'm using, i'll have a "mood" to those who're not careful enough with their wordings.
22:41 <jan6> that...sounds a bit like a threat

136: score: -5 /

02:44 * ahriman hides
02:44 * ahriman twerks
02:44 * npa searches
02:44 * npa regrets searching

135: score: 13 /

<~aewens> krowbar: Sure, but most of my questions are not usual beginner stuff. I am looking for a tenured wizard that has stared long enough into the abyss that the abyss knows to look away.

134: score: -6 /

01:18 <npa> a moose once bit my sister
01:19 <~ahriman> what the hell did she do to the moose
01:19 <npa> No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"
01:20 <~ahriman> oh dear

133: score: 80 /

12:12  * epoch pretends to be amazon
12:29  * no1 orders a big black dildo off epoch
12:30 <no1> Hello epoch customer support, I would like to return this lightly used item
12:31  * epoch stops pretending
12:31 <epoch> ._. no more
12:31 <epoch> stahp
12:31 <epoch> I don't wanna be amazon anymore
12:31 <epoch> ,_,

132: score: -35 /

<tomasino> yay gopher!
<ahriman> yay
<tomasino> yay australia!
<ahriman> koalas n shit!
 * cat cracks a tinnie

131: score: 39 /

15:01 * Kneezle|Web nods
16:38 * tomasino nods as well
16:44 * kirch looks @ Kneezle|Web & tomasino and nods at each in turn
16:46 * codingquark nods
16:47 * Kneezle|Web kirch-es
16:47 * Kneezle|Web tomasinos all over the room
21:20 <@fosslinux> owo

130: score: -22 /

21:48 <cmccabe> pm me your swear word

129: score: -40 /